You humans have got a Lion king view of the whole dominance issue, standing proud with all those around fearfully respecting …chew anyone… but from a puppies point of view it’s
- who is instructing me what to do?
- feeding me?
- grooming me making sure there are no Klingon’s on the starboard bow? and
- who gives me love and attention?
It’s what mum does and so it should just naturally flow into life with humans and the questions should be considered in that order because if no one is doing number one then we puppies will just make it up as we go along and two, three and four are sure to come along.
So the answer to the question what is dominance? Instruction and care …chew the dominance…
You can imagine whoever you want to be to satisfy your ego it matters not a jot as long as you instruct and care. The good news is you can just be yourself as well because instruction and care will get you the same result, a dog who knows how to behave and have fun. …chew the fun…