Not to be asked in a night club

This question was posed by a dog trainer who loves teaching his dog tricks and it got my human thinking about it. Well the answer to that is no because he …chew the human… decided it was cruel to make me want and agonise over food so he stuck to the basics. Sit, stay and come here though I do love fetch and football and never need food to play those games.
A good walk, happiness and feeling safe are key ingredients to a well behaved dog.

The rest is really all about behaving and I’ve never misbehaved or done anything like chew or destroy things. He leaves food out and I never take it unless given it. I might take my own time but I always come when he calls and I’m magic around other dogs and humans. He really did make sure I socialised as a puppy and as an adult too. It’s important because I don’t know how I’d be without meeting other dogs. I live for it and is all I want in life.
Check the video
So we put those words to work when we go out walking and here’s a short video where I wait by the road, I do a trick and then at the end of the walk when we are back to roads I wait for my lead.
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