Well I know there’s not been a lot of news but only because it’s all normal with no dramas. He went out again today and I didn’t chew anything I shouldn’t so he’s dead happy. I mean I’m a pussy and I wouldn’t dare chew his stuff.

So I’m a pussy …chew the pussy… and because of that, when we play tug he thinks he is Joda and keeps me on my feet. He does this cos I just roll on my back like “a big pussy” so he keeps me on my feet and makes me jump, chase and catch the tug toy …chew the tug toy… and when I do my big pussy thing I’m back to my feet flip and spin the tug toy for a good old tug …spin me round…spin…spin…spin…tug…
Now that might seem weird but I’ve stopped doing my pussy thing with other dogs that want to puppy play. I’m a boxing and a ducking and a diving and holding my own with all the dogs I meet …chew the dog…

In the beginning his ego was top dog, …chew the top dog… you know Ceaser Millan thinking?, and was pre occupied by being what he already was. I didn’t have a problem cos I’m a pussy and from day one I would roll on my back the moment play started. He was the one who doubted himself and had to assert …chew the ego…

My sister Kush came round and she pinned me down from the moment we started to when it stopped almost half an hour later. That’s when he realised I’m a pussy and not the nemesis his ego thought (thank you not Ceaser dog whisperer) Kush is a high energy dog and I’m not and proud. The next time I saw her I gave her a good run for her money …chew big sister… ninja classes are really working.
Ironically this is where he agree’s with the dog whisperer because when he gave up the ego pack leader I was better behaved. We’re really cool and the dominance thing is highly interpreted badly.
Does he think I’m taking over cos I sit on the couch? No he see’s me enjoying what it must be like being a dad. Contrary to belief dogs let family rule and not a hostile intruder who comes strolling in thinking he’s top dog with his tackity boots. Yes we will do anything for a good life but we puppies naturally want to get along so just instruct us, show us several times and see how quick we pick it up what you are saying. Don’t use words cos it confuses the bajeebees out us puppies, just show what you want and we’ll do it.

So he teaches me how to play and for that he’ll always be top dog cos all the way through and right at the end after I have ninja’d the tug toy he makes sure I’m still willing to let it go and occasionally he does let me roll on my back to tend his ego …master…master…master… I also love it still 🙂
It’s Ted therapy