Was out and about visiting the human puppies so we thought “What can we do with all this snow?” …chew the snow… Check the video out
Follow the Life and Training of Ted #chewthestring
Out and about today I met a new friend Mia who was out playing in the snow with her humans. She loves swimming and digging through the snow …chew the snow… As usual he was there to grab some footage 🙂
She is now in my friends gallery…check it out
… Or hypothermia from Serbia or the cold licks from the Baltic’s 🙂
We were listening to the radio this morning, well he was, and they were on about wild and crazy weather so we went out there to see what it was all about!
I don’t know about you humans but I loved it and even met a new friend called Bramble. She’s now in my friends gallery. I even went swimming which I have to say, there were no humans in the water today …chew the cold…
As he had the camera he got some video of me swimming in the cold Waters of Leith which you can watch and share here:
Even though I’m tough as nails and have a human to look after me, please take care everyone by wrapping up, keep warm and don’t drive unless it is absolutely necessary. I heard on the radio that traffic hasn’t moved on the bypass for hours now so beware.