Rest is Good for Learning

I’ve had a bit of a rest today, he has some half baked idea that we, including humans, do our best learning after we have practised. You know how it goes, you practise something till you can’t any more, you give it a break, could be for days or weeks and when you come back to it, it’s like magic and what you were practising that seemed so hard becomes easier. …just like chewing… Continue reading “Rest is Good for Learning”

Be Consistent with your Puppy

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You’ve probably heard this before but it’s so true and he has fallen prey to my puppy Jedi eyes. Let me start at the beginning …chew chew chew the string… as I’d said in my first ever blog I had arrived here with a good understanding about the old puppy nipping thing. Continue reading “Be Consistent with your Puppy”

Excitement to a Puppy is Like Candy Crush to a Human

When a human is playing Candy Crush, reading a book or working, it’s a common experience that when someone calls your name you don’t even hear them because you are so engrossed in whatever it is you’re doing. It could be a film or your favourite soap opera. Some people are really bad at it and it’s difficult to get their attention when they are busy doing something.

Well that’s exactly what it’s like when us puppies and dogs are excited, Continue reading “Excitement to a Puppy is Like Candy Crush to a Human”